5 Expert-Approved Ways to Calm, Centre, and Soothe Your Mind
If you’ve never meditated, now’s the perfect time to start. There are many ways to experience meditation. Enjoy a candle gazing meditation together or listen to a guided visualisation. The Karma Class online programs offer meditation ideas and Imagination Vacations – guided visualisations that take kids on a journey to a ‘feel good’ place where they can let go of their worries and release physical and emotional stress.
Breathe + Move + Meditate
Nature and exercise are like honey for the body, mind and soul. Get outdoors and into nature – especially with your kids or grandkids. Go for a bicycle ride, a run on the sand or create a fun obstacle course indoors if the weather is poor. Do family yoga - a great way to build strength and flexibility and, when enjoyed with mindful breathing, creates calm and balance. And there are many ways to experience meditation. Our Karma Home Activity Cards show you how to enjoy a candle gazing meditation or a mindful silent walk.
Gift yourself and your loved ones with experiences that allow you to let go of your worries and release physical and emotional stress.
The Big Benefits of Gratitude
We’re experiencing unprecedented times. It’s easy to get caught up in what’s not happening, or what’s going awry. Practicing gratitude is a simple, powerful and effective way for you and your family to experience overall health and wellbeing.
Create a Gratitude List – invite your kids name 3 things they are grateful for just before going to sleep or when they wake up. Children who understand and practice gratitude are happier, healthier and more compassionate (as are adults).
Get more mindful activity ideas from our Karma Home Activity Cards – based on the principles of yoga, breath and mindfulness, they’ve been designed to help families support their wellbeing within a calm, compassionate and caring environment. They’re easy to use and deliver a holistic body, breath and mind experience.