Mindful Moment Xmas Mandalas

A colouring activity to help children and students manage their stress and anxiety.

Slow down, get quiet and enjoy colouring in a mandala.

For pre-schoolers to Year 6.


One of the most beautiful gifts we can give children today is the experience of being quiet, in both body and mind.

By offering short experiences of quiet time and relaxation – through visualisations, mindful activities, silent moments, calming music - they begin to experience and reap the benefits of a mindful practice and the beauty of being quiet inside.

They learn wonderful tools to draw from when they feel stressed, anxious or upset.

Colour to Calm

  • Download our mandala outlines or purchase a mandala colouring book.
  • Make copies and give one to each student to begin a mandala colouring journey.
  • Encourage students to colour slowly and mindfully, paying attention to colour, the pattern and neatness.
  • Spend 5-10 minutes colouring in silence and listening to a soothing piece of music.
  • Return to colouring when you want to create quiet and calm.
  • Perfect for after lunchtime or at the end of the day.
Colour to Calm

Choose your Mandala (all hand drawn)

For Pre-schoolers

(Right click on image to save)

For Years K to 2

(Right click on image to save)

For Years 3 to 6

(Right click on image to save)

illustration of easy yoga pose

Want to know more

If you are a School or Early Learning leader, Teacher or Parent looking for more information, please get in touch.

Sydney based, providing services across Australia and internationally