Karma Care PD

Educator Self-Care

It's time to give back to our teachers.

Our workshop supports teacher wellbeing with practical tools to manage stress and build resilience in their own lives. 

There’s no denying our teachers are faced with overwhelming levels of stress, anxiety and, in many cases, even depression. Research is recording unacceptable burnout rates, with teachers leaving the profession within the first 5 years.

When our teachers feel depleted, our children suffer too.  

To ensure our children get the most out of their education and school experience, we need to surround them with high-quality, caring and safe learning environments that nurture whole child development.

To this end, our teachers must feel supported both mentally and physically.

In order to bring their best self into the classroom every day, teachers need tools that keep them feeling in control, calm and balanced; tools they can implement easily every day to cultivate a classroom climate where students are compassionate, kind and enthusiastic learners. Tools to ensure everyone THRIVES.

The Karma Class offers Teacher Well-being Workshops dedicated to nourishing teacher health and wellbeing.

illustration of desk rest pose

Designed by teachers for teachers

We know how challenging it can be to show up and manage a lively classroom every day. We’re proud to offer an experience that teaches teachers and educators about sustainable self-care practices that provide lifelong benefits.

Through our research and years of experience, we have developed a bespoke self-care workshop that helps teachers to replenish their energy, avoid injury, reduce stress, and increase their productivity and efficiency.

We focus on the importance of a daily self-care routine that can easily be implemented into a busy lifestyle. 

Teachers leave with an understanding of the science behind why self-care is so important and tips and tools to create a self-care routine to keep them feeling nourished. 

When schools invest in the health and wellbeing of their teachers, EVERYONE THRIVES.

Give the gift of self-care to your teachers.

Make their health and wellbeing your priority.

What to Expect in the Workshop

  • Experience the many benefits of gentle movement to mindful breath (educators who are pregnant or need to be on chairs can participate) 
  • Learn tools to use throughout your day to stay calm and reduce stress – a BIG benefit to you AND your students  
  • Create a SIMPLE AND EASY self-care routine that keeps you feeling healthy, nourished, inspired and enthusiastic 
  • One and two-hour options  
  • Delivered face to face or live online via Zoom

What teachers are saying about the workshop

This year has been very difficult for early childhood educators across Australia.  As the Director of Clovelly Childcare Centre I highly value my hard working and dedicated staff.

I wanted to surprise the staff by gifting them something really special as a token of my gratitude for their hard work.  I have to say the self-care workshop delivered by the breathtaking Beth was the perfect gesture of my appreciation.

The staff felt revitalised after Beth introduced us to beautiful big belly breaths and ideas for self-care.

I highly recommend this workshop to all people in the care and service industries (teaching, nursing, social work etc).  It was nourishing for the body, mind and soul.


Debbie Zerbst
Director, Clovelly Childcare Centre

As a busy Director I arrived at the Self Care Workshop full of the week’s stress – a broken lift, IT problems, leaking roof and then there’s all the people issues!

Within moments of being on a yoga mat and being guided by Beth to breathe deeply, I was able to let go of the worries of my week and find myself in a better place.

Beth was an interesting & informative teacher. Our staff absolutely loved the session.

We will definitely look into doing further training with Beth and The Karma Class. We are keen for our teachers to bring these skills and strategies for child well-being into our classrooms. We also love the idea of bringing this knowledge into our parent community.

Donna Wilcocks
Billy Kids Early Learning

illustration of easy yoga pose

Want to know more

If you are a School or Early Learning leader, Teacher or Parent looking for more information, please get in touch.

Sydney based, providing services across Australia and internationally

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